Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The degree prepares students for careers in politics and law, social work, psychology, human relations, sports and recreation, sociology, administration, the arts, business, education, health sciences, media, and more.

Independent Study may not be used as a substitute for existing courses.

Independent Study may not be available in the summer, depending on faculty availability.

No more than 6 hours of Independent Study may be applied toward a degree

During the semester BEFORE your proposed Independent Study:

  • Complete WGSS Prerequisites: 9 hours in WGSS courses (or 6 hours if student holds another graduate degree), GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Identify a Faculty Preceptor – Discuss your idea for independent study with a professor who will work with you. This will include clarifying:
    • The focus/concept of your study
    • What the professor expects of you
    • How you will be evaluated (papers, tests, projects, etc.)
    • How many hours of credit you will work toward
    • How frequently you will meet (your schedule)
  • Complete and submit the WGSS Independent Study Proposal Form to the WGSS Director of Independent Study. This includes:
    • A written proposal describing your work and how it relates to your WGSS major/minor
    • The signature of your faculty preceptor
  • Once WGSS approval is obtained, use UNCG’s Permission to Register for Independent Study form to register (requires signatures of WGSS instructor and Director of WGSS)
MAster of Arts (MA)
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

The interdisciplinary post-baccalaureate certificate in WGSS enhances a graduate degree in disciplines as diverse as Nursing, History, English, Languages, Performing Arts, Communication Studies, Education, Sociology, Social Work, and Kinesiology.  

This program may also serve as a stand-alone certificate to augment the qualifications of currently employed teachers, public servants, business people, and others. Some students use the PBC as a springboard to a Master of Arts degree in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

PBC students in WGSS who are in PhD programs in other departments may apply to teach WGSS undergraduate courses! Our application deadline is May 15 for Fall, and October 1 for Spring.

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